Sunday, February 24, 2008

Makro in Jakarta puts more pressures on farmers

Wholesaler Makro in Jakarta that has already several big outlets now prefers their suppliers to provide products in smaller amount but in a more frequent sending, as compared to what we were asked about two years ago.

This is indeed not really good news for us, marginalized farmers in Indonesia. It seems to reflect worse economic condition of the country.

We actually would like to prepare for delivering about four tons of tanduk bananas each month to Makro, as an initial program of our banana production. We had earlier designed to support such program. We assumed that with stronger focus on certain agricultural products, we build better our strength. Farmers would then have better confidence.

They would have slightly better price. In fact now in the villages they sell between Rp1,000 to Rp1,500 per piece of bananas regardless their measures. You may expect to find these bananas much priced at Makro in Jakarta, 250 kilometer away from the production village, that may cost you even higher than they have at present, i.e. Rp3,500 or even more.

Indeed this banana is bigger. Poor farmers may expect to be paid more, presumably, for their harder works.

However, the marketing policy change at Makro would force us now to think twice or more. We will have to substitute the rest. We would not like to have our truck being loaded less. We would have to find other products. But what? Not clear delivery scheme yet.

Anyone may help?

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